Monday, August 23, 2010

Why We Started Writing (collab w/ some1 by the name of rickskillz)

ME: Picked up a pencil to share my thoughts in 2nd grade, Poem from a poet & a
picture I made. It hung above my bed in my grandparents home, I thought hmm that
seems easy just write straight from the dome. I wrote roses are red & how
violets are blue, I thought that's how all poems were I didn't have a clue. By
5th grade we had to write a short story, about anything we wanted, I cant
remember but it received so much glory. That next year I wrote a story 60 pages
long, yea it was corny fictional & in every way wrong, But my mom didn't knock
it & that made me feel strong. By 7th I was all into music & rhymes, writing
lyrics day after day no time for TV rapping was on my mind. I would take songs
and flip em so they became mine, knew that was gonna be my calling the best
female MC of all time. That was before advance literature in the 8th, I learned
about so many different kinds of poems & word play. It started out as an
assignment but people saw my talent, school work, rapping , poetry, I thought I
could balance. Summer came along & I wrote of happy days, Never had a broken
heart then so my sunshine never went a way. Beginning of high school I dropped
my pencil & picked up a pen, very soon I dropped that Beginning of high school I dropped
my pencil & picked up a pen, very soon I dropped that to thought that phase had
come to an end. Til 1 day I decided in the library to look up poetry, naw it
wasn't for a friend or to get a guy to notice me. I learned that all poems don't
have to rhyme, so I'm just gonna speak from my heart as you read these lines. I
wrote a few & stopped focusing. Had my 1st heartbreak didn't wanna tell any1 but
I told my the form of a poem. I stopped. Another relationship ended
back to the writing. I stopped. Picked up Tupac's book of poems and that
inspired me to keep going. From birthdays to anniversaries, happy times &
hardships, special occasions to sexual thoughts & stories once again. Its like a
calling from God, I always stopped but something was pushing me & I couldn't
give up.

rickskillz:I was sitting in the funeral home my grandfather had died I only new him

from birth he died when I was four I was crushed my parents made sure I

spent a lot of time with him during his last days he had fought in Vietnam

and world war 2 his legs got taken when he stepped on a land mine.

That started my journey with the pen and the pencil there wasn't a note

book I wasn't writing in I loves poetry I was only 4 I started reading

Shakespeare and Poe I even read some work by Dubose,although the Bible is

what I read the most.

God gave me this talent I began writing through pain the death of my grand

father weighed on my mind my mom said I was deep after reading my first

poem titled "why it hurts" this was age 4. I was growing mentally I just

could not stop writing see for me it was exciting how my mind would work I

was to creative for my age when I was 20 I already had over 40 books worth

of work I should've gotten published but I didn't look at writing as a

meal ticket it was like breathing to me. More focused now then I have ever

been in my life even

though I write from rage and hate more than I write from joy and love I had

to keep writing.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Past, Present, & Future Loves


Fun puppy love
No arguments where push came to shove
Then I got older & found real love
The kind when you're IN love
The kind when there's always a smile on your face
Everyday with them no one can take their place
Then it happened & I got hurt
I mean the pain that makes me feel lower than dirt
Makes me wanna be alone & in the darkness I lurk
Someone looks at me the wrong way them I wanna murk
Then in time my heart mended
Only to give it away again & the happiness ended


Fun times no tears
Brave & bold no fears
Gonna grow old with the one I been with for years
Married & happy with kids
He's mine & I am his
Tingle from the top of my head to my feet with a kiss
When we're not together his touch I will miss
We never put each other down with low blows or a dis
When I'm down he knows how to give me a fix
Arguments but we don't go to bed mad
Lifts me up emotionally when I'm sad
I love the way he treats me so its no reason to nag
He's enough for me & with that I am happy, joyful, & glad


I cant wait to tell y'all this
But my present, well its none of your damn business