Friday, October 29, 2010

The Haunting of Kappa Sigma Chi Pt.1

*This is a fictional story of a fictional fraternity with fictional characters so don’t try to be an investigator to see if its true or based on true events… Because its NOT!*


Friday October 29, 2010

“This is the third murder tonight! Athens has never had this happen before. At least since I’ve been a detective. It hits so close to home. I went to UGA with all of the victim’s parents’. They were all close. Some way, shape, or form, these murders are all connected. I won’t stop until I have the sicko responsible for this behind bars or dead,” Detective Broody Stonestreet says to the chief of police at the most recent crime scene.

30 Years Ago

Friday October 17, 1980

Lee-Ann falls on top of Randall then rolls off to lay beside him. Both of their bodies shining from their sweat, “That was better than the first two times tonight Randy.” He doesn’t say anything just rolls over on his side away from her. “Randy, how come we never go out? You only call me for sex after the Dawgs won a game and you’re done celebrating with your friends or on Friday when you don’t have anything to do.” Randy rolls his eyes but keeps quiet. “Do you like me Randy? Are you just with me for sex? Why don’t I get invited to any of the parties at your frat house? Randy why don’t…”
Randy yells, “DAMNIT LEE-ANN! OK, shit. You can come to the next party we have. Which will be on Halloween. Make sure you bring alcohol and wear something sexy so I can show you off.”
Lee-Ann smiles, “OK Randy I’ll be there. I can’t wait!!”
Randy rolls his eyes, “OK Lee-Ann shut up so I can get some shut eye would ya.” Lee-Ann lays there smiling from ear to ear thinking about finally being somewhere outside the bedroom with Randy.

Lee-Ann Chitwood was a freshman at University of Georgia that year. She was the eldest of nine children; five girls, four boys. They were from a small town in the backwoods of Georgia called Calmville. Calmville had around 700 people residing there. They had one elementary, middle and high school. They also had one traffic light. Everyone knew each other, so they were excited to hear that Lee-Ann was going to UGA. Most people who were born and raised there never been outside of it so they considered Athens to be one of the biggest cities in Georgia. Lee-Ann had long straight blonde hair with a plain face. What she lacked in the facial department, her body made up for. She was 5’8” 160 pounds. She was a 36D cup, 24 inch waist and 38 inch wide hips. In Calmville she wore plain outfits, just jeans and a t-shirt. When she got to UGA her rich roommate gave her a makeover. She bought Lee-Ann miniskirts, dresses, blouses, tank and tube tops, heels, short shorts. For the first time she wore her hair in curls and lipstick in her lips, blush on her cheeks, eye shadow on her eyes. Now when guys saw her nice body, they saw a nice face to go along with it. Lee-Ann also picked up something else she never tried. Alcohol. That’s how she met Randy. she was drunk at a bar and met him. He invited her back to his place where he took her virginity and they’ve been sex buddies (in his eyes) ever since.

Randall Bruckheimer was 6 foot 7, 250 pounds built solid no fat anywhere. Everyone thought he played football. He was more interested in studying law than playing football. His father was a big lawyer in Athens, and he wanted to follow in his footsteps. Randall was a sophomore and a member of Kappa Sigma Chi Fraternity along with his two best friends; Peter Metcalf and Carl Hillstrands. Randall was the youngest of 4 and the only boy. Peter and Carl were just like his brothers. All of them stayed in the same sub-division, went to the same schools, and now college and frat.

Peter Metcalf had a twin sister and a brother 8 years younger than them. He was the shorter of the 3 friends. He was 5’9” 170 pounds, but his sister was 5’11” ½ looking like a model. Even though he was the shortest of the three, he got the most girls. He had the whitest, cutest smile with a baby face. His dad was some kind of “agent” and was never home. He spent most his time at Randy’s house. Mostly because of Randy’s sisters. He crushed on every single one of then but they only thought of him as a little brother. While spending time around Randy’s father and found himself, like Randy, loving law and wanted to become a lawyer.

Carl Hillstrands was the only child. So far. His mother died in a car accident when he was 10. Last year his father, who is a surgeon, married a woman who was 20 years younger than him and 10 years older than Carl. She didn’t have any kids and kept trying to have one. Unlike Randy and Peter, Carl didn’t want to follow in his father’s footsteps. He followed his mother’s, education. He was a looker like his friends. Standing at 6 foot 4 220 pounds, he had the sexiest pair of grey bedroom eyes and his jet black hair made it stand out even more.
Randall, Peter and Carl were excited about this party. This was the official first party that their frat had since school started back. All three of them were going as pimps. They didn’t have girlfriends so they invited plenty of girls. This party was going to be the pledges first party they attended at the frat house. The following Monday they would find out if their hard work paid off and if they would become apart of their brotherhood. No pledge wanted this more than Richard Abrams.

Richard Abrams was 19 years old. He was 6 foot 5 weighing 200 pounds even. He had bright hazel eyes with hints of gray dimples on both cheeks so deep it was like someone pushed their thumbs on the side of them. He had a short haircut and rich olive skin. The girls loved his looks but he was below them, trying to become a brother of this frat. Until he was initiated, most avoided him. Richard’s family was from Atlanta. Both his parents were doctors. His older brother and sister were lawyers. His younger brother and sister were still on school, they haven’t decided what they wanted to be. Richard wanted to become a doctor like his parents.

“Ay Ran, who was that chick I saw leaving your apartment this morning?” asked Peter.

“Man that’s my sex toy. You wanna borrow her?” Randy bragged, “She does anything I tell her. Matter of fact I bet we all can get some from her Friday at the party.”

Carl piped in, “Oh really? I gotta get a look at this one.”

They continued talking as Randy called Richard, “My man Richie! I need you to go pick up my, Peter, and Carl’s outfit. I told you Wednesday. Last time I checked, that’s today. Have them at my place.” he hung up without waiting for a reply. “I don’t think Richie is gonna make it all the way.”

“Why not?” asked Carl, “He does EVERYTHING and then more, he memorized EVERYTHING about our brotherhood faster than anyone has. I think he’s cool.”

“He’s boring,” Randy laughed.

Meanwhile, Lee-Ann was dancing in her mirror in her costume. She knew Randy would love it.

Richard got to Carl’s apartment in 30minutes to give them their costumes. He had to stay there to wait until they tried them on so he could take them to his place to iron them. Each of the best friends has a hat with a feather on the side, a jacket un-buttoned at the chest with no shirt, pants to match and the fake gator shoes. He sat there pissed off because the idea was his and Randy stole it and told him he had to dress as a butler. He was ready to be initiated he hated Randy everyone else was cool but him. The three friends make sure their costumes fit and hands them to Richard.

“OK Richie, go on and get them ready for Friday. We’re done with you,” Randy dismisses him. Richard says nothing and leaves.

Tyler Saulsberry and Brody Stonestreet stayed next door to Carl. They heard loud mouth Randy. They didn’t like him because of his mouth. “I wouldn’t pledge that frat just because of that asshole,” Tyler told Brody. They were first cousins. Their moms were sisters they each had 2 younger sisters and 1 older brother. They looked like twins, birthdays a week apart. They were both 6 foot 3 inches, 180 pounds full lips, narrow nose. Only difference is Tyler had jet black hair and gray eyes; Brody had light brown hair and green eyes. Tyler didn’t have a major he was just going to school and would decide later. Brody on the other hand, strived to become a detective but had to work his way up to that. They were going to the party even though they didn’t care for Randy. Tyler was going as Clark Kent and Brody as Superman.

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