Friday, April 16, 2010

Spirit Wrapped Around Me

I see you in the morning sun, I hear you when the birds sing their song. I feel you when the wind hits my face, I taste you when I lick my lips everyday. I smell you from the rain that drops, I see you in that bunny that hops. I hear you from the children's laughter, I feel you from my neighbors' chit chatter. I taste you from the honey made by bees, I smell you from the sweet summer's breeze. I see your bright smile in the moon, I hear you on the radio in every tune. I feel you from the tears that hit my cheek, I taste you in the words I speak, I smell you in the air I breathe. I want to see, hear, feel, taste,smell, I just want your spirit wrapped around me.

Enjoying Life

The first sign of spring, bees buzzing, flowers blooming, grass green and growing,
people taking walks in the park or just sitting outside just ENJOYING LIFE. Summer
rolls around, school's out, people firing up the grill, bathing suits and swimming trunks, family vacations, temps in the 100s, sweating all day, ac up to the max, still ENJOYING LIFE. Fall rolls around next, my favorite season, not too hot, not too cold, football everywhere, pretty colors on the trees, sitting outside just to enjoy the breeze, no need for heat or the ac, just relaxing, going with the flow, just ENJOYING LIFE. Winter falls in line, the coldest of the cold, but can make the coldest person warm, snuggling up with that special someone, or even your favorite stuffed animal, curled up watching a good movie,time for the holidays, time to be around family, appreciate family, enjoy family, just ENJOYING LIFE. New Year is coming up, time to stop stressing, worrying, fussing, arguing about the things you have no control over. Time to start loving the people in your life, thanking them for being in your life, quit hating and start... ENJOYING LIFE!

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 6 (short story)

Ok. I can't see, so I stay still. Very still. Taking quiet short breaths. Listening... For what? All I hear is the rain coming down. Did the rain cause the power to go out? Or did..
Ok what the hell? Did something or someone just fall UP the stairs? Ok girl get a grip. If you gonna die tonight you gonna die putting up a fight. Hmm, what could I use as a weapon? Something I could get to fast and quiet. I feel around on my dresser for the screw driver I used the other day and, BINGO! Ok whoever you are, come on I'm ready for you. I hear foot steps getting closer and closer to my door. I stand with my feet shoulder width apart, both hands in the air wrapped around the screwdriver. I see a figure coming towards me. I hear,
My hands come down right into the intruder's arm!
I sigh and reply, "Thank God its just you."
He says in pain, "What you mean 'its just you'? You could have stabbed me in the eye girl. See I told you to start remembering to set the alarm after you get in the house."
Damn. I forgot to set it back."Baby I'm so sorry, are you ok? I can't see, where are you?" I feel my way around the wall to the bathroom to light some candles to see. I come back to find you sitting on the bed. "I'm so sorry baby. Want me to look at it?"
"Yea. Man I called you when I was outside but your phone went to voice mail so I just came on in. They let us off early because of the weather. But yea look at my arm, crazy ass glad you don't have a gun."
"Well you should have made yourself known then especially when the lights went out."
"I yelled your name when I first got here and you didn't answer so I figured you were sleep and..."
I cut him off "Anddd I was sleep til I heard a thump then another then a big boom, what was all of that?"
"My boots from work was the first thump, the second thump, something fell in you're living room. And the boom was me falling. Anything else Inspector Gadget?"
"Whatever sneak-a-freak. Take your shirt off so I can look at your arm."
I wait for him to take off his shirt and look at his arm. "Boy, if you don't go and check the breaker for the lights, I'm gonna hurt you for real. All you got is a scratch." As I laugh and sit next to
He looks me over and says, "I like the candlelight. Why don't you strip down to your gown before I go check the lights."
I laugh and get up and stand in front of him. I take his cell out his pocket and goes to Robin Thicke's 'Sex Therapy', press play and lays the phone on the dresser. I dance seductively in front of him while slowly pulling off my tee and throwing it on his head. I sit on his lap facing forward as he runs his hands upwards toward my breast. I knock his hands away.
"No touching yet"
I lean over and take off my boots and stand up facing him.
"You know, you should get me a pole for the room." He leans back and smiles. I turn my back towards him and slowly takes my sweats off bending over slowly. I turn around, walks over and straddles him.

60 Years Together

I interviewed my grandparents, to write this poem for their 60th anniversary, which is today, April 16th, 2010. I will be reading this tomorrow at their celebration. 99% of this are true facts....Enjoy :-)

They first met at her house,
She didn't think much of him, but he
thought she was quiet as a mouse.

Their first date was to a house of a friend,
Never in their wildest dreams did they think
their love would NEVER end.

Three years of a courtship bliss,
They taught each other a lot of things
Even how to kiss.

When he asked for her hand in marriage,
Her father replied, "OK, but I don't have
anything to give, especially a horse & carriage."

Her grandma said, "If you're not going to
take care of her, leave her be."
He replied, "I'll give my all for this pretty girl,
I love her you see."

They were married on her front porch on
the 16th of April,
They were happy, blessed, and \
very grateful.

He wore a light plaid grey suit,
she, a white dress,
Relatives from all over
there were plenty of guests.

Lots of gifts, ice cream & cake
was the meal.
No honeymoon for them,
the next morning he had to be in the field.

With kids, he wanted as many
as he could take care,
She only wanted 2 so she wouldn't
have to pull out her hair.

So 60 years, 7 kids, 9 grandkids,
& 2 great grandkids later,
They're still in love &
have never thought about a divorce paper.

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 5 (short story)

I was on the computer looking at restaurants and I got the phone to make reservations. Ok I can go get it. But the room is all the way down the hall right next to the stairs. Whoever, or whatever is downstairs will see me going into the room. Maybe if I dressed in all black. Wait a minute this isn't a movie. Ok think. I crack my bedroom door open and peek out. The hallway light is off that's too strange, I always leave that on, ALWAYS. I shut the door back and pace the room. Maybe I should call him and see if that's him. I grab my cell. Ugh dead, forgot to put it on charge. I put my cell on charge and puts on some sweats, t-shirt and boots. As I walk over to see if the phone is charged enough to turn on, the power goes out. Damnit!

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 4 (short story)

I hear something thump downstairs in the living room. I look at the TV, movie still on, could that have been what I heard? I hear it again, that is definitely not the TV this time. I glance at my clock on my night stand, 1:50am. Oh shit, he's not off work yet, what's the noise? What if he got off work early? No, he would have called. I reach for my cell. Its not there. Where did I leave my cell, oh yea the bathroom. I get up slowly and creep into the bathroom and get my phone. Its dead. Well maybe he called the house phone and I just didn't hear it. I slowly walk back into my room around to the other night stand and reach for the cordless phone. Its gone! I drop to the bed. Think girl think. Where was the last place you had... In the room where the computer is.

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 3 (short story)

My phone beeps letting me know my its getting ready to die on me. Oh well, I'll put it on charge after the bath. I walk over to the tub with my fluffy towel, lay it to the side, drop my robe, and ease down into the water, "Ahhh feels so nice." I relax as I listen to R. Kelly's "Whole Lotta Kisses" and it begins to rain. I can hear it tapping on my window. I finish up, step out the tub, rub my favorite oil on and pat myself dry. I walk into my room to my dresser, takes out a sexy night gown and puts it on. I go back and blow out the candles and run downstairs to get a glass of Nuvo before the movie starts. I get back in my room right as its beginning. I turn back the covers and climb into my king size bed. So cold ugh. I sit back sipping on my Nuvo watching the movie. Halfway through the movie I doze off, that is until...

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 2 (short story)

I get up, take off my jeans, sweater, panties, bra, and jewelry as I slip into my silk robe. I get my cell out of my bag and throw my clothes in the hamper and walk in the bathroom. I light some scented candles (strawberry of course) and runs some hot water in the tub along with some bath oil. I turn on some music to unwind, sit on my vanity stool and send a text to my man.
"hey sweetie, I just got home a few minutes ago. Getting ready to take a bath."
He replies within a few seconds, "Hmm babe wish I was there to wash your back. Did you get my message I left you earlier?"
I sigh, "yea I got it. Please try to come over I miss you."
He texts back, "I miss you too girl and since you said please I guess I can make it over there lol."
What? "You GUESS?"
"Lol I'll be there baby. Let me get back to work. I love you."
I reply "I love you to."

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 1 (short story)

Its a cold winter's night as I hurry home to get warm. Just left from going out to dinner with my best friend. That girl I swear, is a trip and a half. The stories she tells me (laughs a little). Just a mess. I pull up in the garage and push the button to close it. I get out the car and run into the house, turn off the alarm. Check my messages, 1 from you saying you get off at 3am and might be over depending on the weather. I look at the time, 11:15pm. That will be a while, I think as I go upstairs to my room. I take off my black leather coat hang it in the closet along with my bag. I turn on the TV as I sit on the side of my bed unzipping my knee high black leather boots. Laying across the bed I start flipping through the channels looking for something to watch. I find a good scary movie that starts at 12:30. Just enough time for me to take a hot bath.

Stuck In The Ocean

At first I was scared to go out on the dock where you were waiting in the boat. But as time went on, I got more comfortable, easing my way onto the dock. Still won't get on the boat, scared I'll drown. So I sit, sit on the dock talking to you for a good while. Then I finally step on the boat and we just chill in that spot for some time. Days pass and we move farther away from the dock. Months and months pass and we're together in the middle of nowhere enjoying each other. Then you start putting a foot in the water. Next its both feet up to your knees. Days go by and you're in up to your chest. The sharks are circling around you. You barely ask for help. How can I save you? Its 1 of me, plenty of them. How can I save you when you're not trying to save yourself. I guess we're... Stuck

Not Feeling Myself

Feeling down & out, No words spoken out my mouth.
No tears falling from my eyes,
Not depressed or sad no need to cry.
Just not feeling like myself,
Like my heart has just been put on the shelf.
Its getting cold when it wants to be warm,
To be held tenderly in loving arms,
When things are going wrong,
And also when nothings going on.
My mind body & soul today is on pause,
Don't ask why I don't know the cause.
I guess Monica said it best "just 1 of them days",
Hoping is a 24hr phase,
I'm doing things I do but in a daze,
Need someone to shine a light & lead the way,
I'm going in circles in this life maze.
I'm just not feeling right,
Guess this is where I say goodnight

12 Types of Females (7-12)

7. Ms. Good Girl

a. She's always there for you.
b. She's intelligent, classy, kind, sweet and cool.
c. Your mother loves her. You can see yourself falling in love with her.
e. You are her first everything.
f. She makes you feel like a man.

a. She's an A or B situation either:
A. You're not gonna get any until ya'll are married or
B. She said she's never done - she said she's never tried - she's sitting there telling a muthafukkin' lie.

8. Ms. Main

a. She is the one you respect.
b. She probably may know about the others but might not care.
c. She has all the qualities you want in a female.
d. You've been with her forever.

a. She starts getting very suspicious and calls you every moment.
b. She will devise a plan to catch you in your act and then kick your ass

9. Ms. Psycho

a. She's fun and spontaneous.
b. She's down to earth.
c. She loves you unconditionally.
d. Everything about her is too good to be true. So everyone loves her.
e. She makes you feel loved.

a. Don't you break up with her. She will stalk your ass.
b. She keeps pictures of you everywhere and knows everything about you.
c. She can manipulate the hell out of you.
d. She will consider herself wifey even if she may just be that chick on the side.
e. Fuckin' with her can make your life a living hell.

10. Ms. I have a Man

a. She may have a man but she'll mess with you anyway.
b. She looks good.
c. You have an intense night of passion with her.

a. She'll always come crying to you about the problems with her man.
b. She'll get you caught up and then leave you anyway for her man.
c. If you piss her off she'll get her man to come beat your ass.
d. She'll unofficially make you her man once she gets pissed off at her real man

11. Ms. Tease

a. She's tempting and a nice piece of eye candy.
b. She's intelligent, athletic, respectable and SEXXXXXXY.
c. She knows how to turn you on without touching you.
d. Everything she does is just so sensual.
e. She can bring you to that point and make you wait to get it.
f. Every time you see her you catch a mini orgasm.
g. Every nigga wants her b/c she's so mysterious and that makes you want to get her first.

a. NO matter what you think or do you never get it.
b. She probably has a long distance boyfriend somewhere that you will never know about.
c. She gets you hard and leaves you like that. (Unbearable)


a. She is not sexy, fine, or a dyme she is Beautiful and therefore encompasses all of these descriptions.
b. She is intelligent, sassy, funny, outgoing, determined, strong and classy.
c. She can cook or at least order a meal that is just like your mother's.
d. Her personality is just as beautiful as her body.
e. She believes in God and follows his virtues.
f. She knows that a relationship requires a 200% quota yet she gives her man an extra 10%.
g. She can please her man in anyway. Mentally, Spiritually, and Sexually.
h. She makes you recognize your full potential as a man and completes you.
i. She's always there for, no matter what your dreams are.
j. She's not afraid to tell you the truth and set you straight.
k. You can talk to her and confide in her, she's your best friend.
l. You love being around her more than your boys.
m. You can share your most intimate moments with her without sex.
n. You can have a bad argument with her and have the BEST Mind Numbing and passionate love making fest ever.
o. She's always willing to find a way to work out your problems and will often take most of your *shyt*. But she's also intelligent enough to leave.
p. She's nothing like any other girl you've met. She's your woman.

a. You've probably met her, or had her in your life but got too consumed with the other types and let her get away

12 Types of Females (1-6)

1. Ms. Gold-Digger

a. You have some one to manage your money.
b. She always looks good.
c. She makes your other niggas jealous.
d. She makes you look good.

a. When you get broke she'll be gone and take what you have left.
b. She makes sure she has a child by you to sue you for child support.
c. Once your nigga comes up she'll be on his arm the next day.

2. Ms. Freak (secret lover)

a. She knows all the right positions.
b. She'll try everything more than once.
c. You're never unsatisfied.
d. She'll do all the things your girl won't do.
e. She doesn't mind being your freak, as long as she catches one too.

a. Eventually, b/c she's a female, she'll end up catching feelings.
b. She starts to act like she's your "main".
c. She fucks wit ya boy and act like you in the wrong for telling her that she's a freak.
d. Eventually her shit gets old. And you need a replacement.

3. Ms. Independent

a. You don't have to worry about buying her anything. She got it.
b. She's intelligent, sassy, confident and determined.
c. She's great for (business) conversation.
d. She keeps it real and has goals.
e. She knows how to please a man.

a. She will continuously let you know, that she can handle it on her own.
b. She will eventually say fuck you and get a dildo.
c. She will consider you another one her play toys, or goals.

4. Ms. Dyme
a. She's top of the line.
b. She stays looking like a fantasy.
c. She has the body of a goddess with the face to match.
d. She considers herself a "model"
e. Gets you on hard whenever you see her.
f. All the girls envy her, but she doesn't care.

a. She's superficial. She cares only about her looks.
b. She honestly lacks confidence and will annoy you about the way she looks.
c. She's probably dumb as hell and if she's not her personality is dry.
d. You have to constantly keep your game up b/c every nigga is gonna try to get her.

5. Ms. Tomboy

a. She's cool and laid back.
b. She'll be willing to play rough with you.
c. Of course, she loves sports.
d. Her body is athletically divine.
e. She's easy to talk to and fun to be around.
f. She's a diamond in the rough.

a. She'll remind you too much of your nigga.
b. She might not want to change her appearance.
c. She might actually beat you in basketball, football and track.

6. Ms. Ghetto

a. She's not afraid of any other female or male. She will fight to keep you.
b. She's down for you. She'll be there to bail you out of jail.
c. She's always stays fresh.
d. She can cook up a storm. She can make the best out of a bad situation.
e. She keeps it real and keeps you satisfied.

a. She doesn't know how to act in public.
b. Your mama can't stand her.
c. You get into with her every other second.
d. She's willing to fight another girl looking at you or her PERIOD.
e. Her weave colors are distracting and her vocabulary is minimal

The Beach

I'm numb I'm just here going through the motions,
Wishing I could get away on the beach listening to the ocean.
All my pain, sorrows and fear,
To be tossed into the water and become clear.
This beach you can live forever,
No one cares if you're dumb or clever.
There's no such thing as killing or dying a painful death,
Joy all in the air just take a deep breath.
You can bring all your loved ones and friends,
There is never sadness, happiness never ends.
You won't be hurt when the one you love doesn't love back,
Because here you have your mate, the perfect match.
Have a family and live a good life,
You, your kids and your husband or wife.
No worries about bills or money,
Just live worry free everyday is sunny.

This beach doesn't exist,
We all have to leave don't know our number on the list.
Our loved ones are gone everyday,
So all we can do is keep the faith and pray.

Perfect Date

Get the keys to the car,
We're headed out today but not to the bar.
Let's take a ride to the country side,
No music just the convo between you and I.
Riding discussing our future holding hands,
Talking about marriage, babies, those plans.
Pull up to the park,
We got time before its dark.
Pop the trunk got food & blanket for the picnic,
This can be romantic without the candles lit.
Spread out the blanket under the big tree,
Spread out the food I feed you, you feed me.
After wards we go to the playground,
On the swings, monkey bars, slide, acting like clowns.
We lay on the blanket talking, laughing me in your arms,
Its getting dark & cold but you always keep me warm.
We get in the car we got a long drive its getting late,
Even though it was simple, it was a perfect date.

When The Heart Hurts

Heart, Loving, Happy, Caring, Laughing, Joyful...
Someone twisted your heart,
Your love never ending but where does theirs start.
Nervous heart doesn't know what's going on,
Yet the heart beats out a love song,
The heart will never do you wrong,
Just wants you to return the love so strong.
Arguments over the smallest things,
What happened to trying to make the heart sing.
Love hurts,
The heart aches worse,
Why not take time to make it work?

The Forrest

She starts off through the forest its sunny & bright.
Stopping to listen to the birds sing, rabbits play.
She picks pretty flowers place them in her hair.
Hums a sweet song while she moves a little farther.

The middle of the forest is dark, gloomy & even scary.
Bears looking for dinner.
Even the small animals are trying to steal her joy.
She wants to turn around.
Forget about how far she has come.
But she's determined to see what the end will be.
She moves on.
She sees the snakes giving her the evil eye.
The trees are whispering amongst each other "go back its hard to get to the end"
The rain comes.
The lightening.
The thunder.
The wind.
She's cold wet but determined.

She sees the light.
She runs & runs.
The birds are singing.
Rabbits playing.
She looks up.
The most beautiful rainbow.
She's made it to the end.

When I'm Sick

Oh I'm not well feeling down, Not depressed down, This cold is beating me into the ground. Come take care of me, Rub me down gently, I have aches in my body, Take them away please. Take me in your arms hold me close, Make me soup in a big bowl, Feed me baby I'm not to old, Make me feel warm when I grow cold. Wait on me hand & foot, Do something sweet like read me a book, Let me know you're there for me is a good look. Give me a warm bath, Cheer me up make me laugh, So good lifting me up when I feel bad. Rock me to sleep, Holding me tenderly, This is what I want when I am weak.

Rain Pt. 3

We run in the house, We fall on the couch, I'm on the bottom my neck wet from your mouth, You kiss both nipples making a wet trail down south, We hear a loud pow, Then the lights go out. You push apart my knees, Kissing my thighs I'm begging you please, My sweetness got you mesmerized you don't wanna leave, You part my lips and dive in deep, Your tongue got me feeling higher than weed, Your loving so good you're all I need. Got my thigh shaking my voice trapped I can't scream, Sucking my pearl fingering my spot I'm bout to cream, So glad this is real and not a dream. You use the lightening as your light as you pull me to the floor, I'm saying "hurry up I want more," You wipe sweat off your head with my tee that you tore, Ready for good loving maybe hardcore. Pillow under my back legs over your shoulders, Entering me slowly bout to feel good all over, You got me feeling drunk even though I'm sober. You catch your rhythm and go faster, We breathing hard like we got asthma...

Rain Pt. 2

You swinging back & forth I'm going up and down, The rain & the slapping of our skin is the only sound, Squeezing my muscles I think my spot I found, Trust me this is only the 1st round. Move over to the trampoline, This is something out a dream, The way your name I scream, You should be glad you're on my team. You get it from the back loving the bounce, Giving it to me deep I'm loving every ounce, Yea I came hard but not down for the count. Now my back against the truck my legs around your waist, You rip off my tee you're impatient you can't wait, Your mouth hungrily on my breast loving how I taste, Sounds from my mouth are to good to be fake, Ooo you giving it to me a 10 naw 20 is your rate. Now you going hard slamming me against the truck, Your body begins to shake um naw its more like buck, Both of us reach our peak bout to nut, Lightening flash thunder rolls damn just our luck.

Rain Pt. 1

Rain, the rain, beating hard against my window pane. My emotions are not gloomy like the weather, my heart is content for now light as a feather. Stuck in the house nowhere to go, lying here holding my pillow. Not because of loneliness, but because I want to feel your touch on my skin maybe a caress, you know where that would lead don't have to tell you the rest. Me with my tee & boy shorts on, you with yours & boxers come on. Lets take this outside be 1 with mother nature, kissing in the rain I wanna feel your nature... Rise. Rise to the occasion, thinking about the love we gone be making. Lets move this to the swings, try something new while doing our thing. I pull off my boy shorts things might get hot, you sit and I climb on top, you start swinging the rain never stops.


This rain can sometime have a girl feeling lonely with nowhere to turn.
But not today, this rain is matching my feelings.
I want to be alone that's when I analyze best.
When I make the best decisions, don't need any help.
My heart, my mind, my soul, has time to relax.
To conversate with each other with no interruptions no one to ask...
What's wrong?
I just want to be alone.
Is it wrong to let my mind roam...
To the future.
What does it hold for me?
Will I be happy?
Will I have regrets about things I should forget.
Game is back on
Let go of my emotions for that time is gone that I had to be alone.


Coldness surrounds me,
My soul seems bare like a winter's tree,
Because you're not here beside me.
My room is cold I can see my breath,
My happiness is falling into a slow death,
Because you're not here so I can lay on your chest.
So cold my body is feeling numb,
Humming sad love songs,
Because you're not here to warm me like the sun.
Your side of the bed is empty,
Come hold me,
Protect me,
Kiss me,
Love me & only me.
I want you,
I need you,
Don't want to share you,
My mind, body, & soul are cold so come hold me boo.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Brand New

You see this young woman in front of you.
Young by age but old in knowledge.
Learned the game from my fam.
Under my belt is 1 broken heart, don't want anymore.
Hard on the outside.
Soft on the inside.
The right one can melt the pain & hurt away.
A gentle touch.
A loud laugh brought out from deep in my soul.
A hug when I'm sad.
A kiss to show you care.
A look in my eyes under the stars can tear away the old me and make me feel brand new.
Can you do that? Is that someone you?

Laying Here Thinking

Some nights as I lay here with alot on my mind I travel to the future.

What's in it for me? Will I have the nice job, house, husband, kids?

Or am I destined to be alone in this cold world?

I've been hurt, I've made mistakes that hurt others.

If they were never made, would my life be different or the same?

I've kept to myself in the past but am trying to open up more.

Never been seen as the sensitive type but I'm soft as a cloud.

I put my 'I love yous' on pause but I still care but I'm afraid of the results.

Maybe 5, 10 years my life will be great with everything I dreamed of.

Will the one I love still be in my life? Or will it be someone new?

Maybe. Just maybe. I'll have to be patient and just wait until that time comes.


I step onto the elevator on my cell going to my new apartment, the doors are starting to close but you step your foot in just in time. You look at me, smile and say "Hey, how you doing today?" I smile goofly while taking in your features. Your eyes, mesmerizing. Your lips, tantalizing. Your voice got me fantasizing about things we can do. I push the button for the 6th floor, you push for the 5th and our hands touch. You smile and step back. As we start up to the 3rd floor the elevator jerks, stops, and goes black.. I feel my phn come from my hand and your breath on the back of my neck then your lips ever so softly. You turn me around kiss me and suck on my bottom lip. My knees get weak as you pull up my skirt and I feel you get down and your lips on my inner thighs leading to my paradise. I feel you snatch my panties off and insert your middle finger. You put my leg on your shoulder and starts sucking on my pearl ever so gently. You reach your other hand under my shirt and bra squeezing my breast, teasing my nipple. I feel you spread my lips and deep dive into my wetness. Im holding on not wanting this to end but i..i..its sooo g-g-good I think I'm about tto... I let out a loud moan. The lights come back on you fix my clothes and stand back as the door opens to your floor. You get off turn around, smile and says "Welcome to the neighborhood" as the door closes... Damn I love it here already ;)

My Loving

Loving you in the morning, noon, and night,
Could it be wrong but oh it feels so right.

I know you loving it cause its so wet and tight,
Let go cause this feeling you can't fight.

I can love you in the dark or in the light,
Going so long make you lose your sight.

I love when you nibble and love it when you bite,
Your loving makes me feel high as a kite.

My loving make you feel better than alcohol or a pipe,
Got you gripping me and screaming yipe.

Yea its for you all wet and tight,
You just make sure you handle yours aite?


Laying here waiting for you to come home I slowly but surely drift off to sleep... Into dreamland I go....

In Paris in the most beautiful plush hotel suite there is on the 8th floor. Thick white carpet feel like clouds under my bare feet. I lay back on the chaise lounge flipping channels on the plasma to pass the time away. I look at the time, 9:30, you're late. Here I am in my blood red dress with the matching manolos waiting on you who's a no show. Every hair in place, make-up flawless and got on a smell that makes you wanna taste this...

12:30, no sign of you, no call, text, or email. Its getting late and I'm horny as hell. So I undress put on my robe, sitting on the balcony watching couples stroll. The cool breeze has my nipples hard as a rock, this feeling I have can't be stopped. Legs spread a lil wider feel the breeze climbing higher and higher. Fingers slip down to my sweetness rubbing my clit with a gentleness. Starts getting good head thrown back eyes shut. I feel a pair of lips on my neck a pair of hands on my breast.

Open my eyes there you are about to suck on my tit, I'm mad but my body won't resist. You move down kissing my thighs, then you move to my center your way to apologize. Sucking, licking, nibbling, oh yes wow, I need you in me bad right now...

You sit in the chair I climb on top, slow the fast my grinding won't stop. You flip me hitting my sweet spot from the back. Hearing my moans people stop, look up and catch us in the act. Now I'm on my back and oh you going strong, being watched by these people got me turned the hell on. I got deaf can't hear a thing, but I can feel my sweet spot hitting that high note while she sings. All of a sudden I hear horns and music from the cars, I open my eyes as I cum and there are stars. I look into your eyes and fall to sleep, in your arms is me you keep....

I open my eyes, dang what a good dream... Wait a minute. I look around, this isn't my room. This isn't my bed. I look next to me and there you lay. Maybe I wasn't.....


Sippin on Patrón
Well I WAS sippin on Patrón
Headache-almost gone.

Ankle-feelin great
Side-feelin ok.

Me-grateful for Mr. P, Patrón that is.
Letting my thoughts get the best of me.

Wander into the future
Wondering what it holds.

Will I live carefree
Or be with someone to grow old?

Truth be told,
I wanna be with that somebody that can, will, and want to hold...

Me and only me,
Someday I shall see,

What my life can truely be,
When I unlock my heart and set it free


As I lay here playing on my phone,
I feel nothing at all because I'm so gone.

No pain no stress no worry,
Everything is going in slow mo there's no hurry.

Why can't life be this way,
Instead of trying to be grown go outside and play.

I feel no responsibilities at this time,
My mind, body, and soul are relaxed, I feel just fine.

I know dreamland is a place waiting on me,
Come lay with me and you will also see...

A place that is so unknown,
Where I feel nothing at all because I'm so gone

Heart Or Brain

These feelings I have running deep in my veins,
Don't know if I should follow my heart or listen to my brain.

Feelings so hard at times its scary,
Like not knowing how to swim and falling into a sea.

My brain says stay focus my heart says love,
I just wish my life was as simple as a dove.

I keep to myself cause I'm scared of what might be,
Could it end up bad or be very lovely.

If I hide what's true will my heart be hollow,
I think I'll just let my heart lead and my brain will just follow.