Friday, April 16, 2010

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 6 (short story)

Ok. I can't see, so I stay still. Very still. Taking quiet short breaths. Listening... For what? All I hear is the rain coming down. Did the rain cause the power to go out? Or did..
Ok what the hell? Did something or someone just fall UP the stairs? Ok girl get a grip. If you gonna die tonight you gonna die putting up a fight. Hmm, what could I use as a weapon? Something I could get to fast and quiet. I feel around on my dresser for the screw driver I used the other day and, BINGO! Ok whoever you are, come on I'm ready for you. I hear foot steps getting closer and closer to my door. I stand with my feet shoulder width apart, both hands in the air wrapped around the screwdriver. I see a figure coming towards me. I hear,
My hands come down right into the intruder's arm!
I sigh and reply, "Thank God its just you."
He says in pain, "What you mean 'its just you'? You could have stabbed me in the eye girl. See I told you to start remembering to set the alarm after you get in the house."
Damn. I forgot to set it back."Baby I'm so sorry, are you ok? I can't see, where are you?" I feel my way around the wall to the bathroom to light some candles to see. I come back to find you sitting on the bed. "I'm so sorry baby. Want me to look at it?"
"Yea. Man I called you when I was outside but your phone went to voice mail so I just came on in. They let us off early because of the weather. But yea look at my arm, crazy ass glad you don't have a gun."
"Well you should have made yourself known then especially when the lights went out."
"I yelled your name when I first got here and you didn't answer so I figured you were sleep and..."
I cut him off "Anddd I was sleep til I heard a thump then another then a big boom, what was all of that?"
"My boots from work was the first thump, the second thump, something fell in you're living room. And the boom was me falling. Anything else Inspector Gadget?"
"Whatever sneak-a-freak. Take your shirt off so I can look at your arm."
I wait for him to take off his shirt and look at his arm. "Boy, if you don't go and check the breaker for the lights, I'm gonna hurt you for real. All you got is a scratch." As I laugh and sit next to
He looks me over and says, "I like the candlelight. Why don't you strip down to your gown before I go check the lights."
I laugh and get up and stand in front of him. I take his cell out his pocket and goes to Robin Thicke's 'Sex Therapy', press play and lays the phone on the dresser. I dance seductively in front of him while slowly pulling off my tee and throwing it on his head. I sit on his lap facing forward as he runs his hands upwards toward my breast. I knock his hands away.
"No touching yet"
I lean over and take off my boots and stand up facing him.
"You know, you should get me a pole for the room." He leans back and smiles. I turn my back towards him and slowly takes my sweats off bending over slowly. I turn around, walks over and straddles him.

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