Saturday, May 29, 2010


Nature's Love

The bright blue sky

Beautiful warm sun shining down on me

The gentle breeze that hits my face, plays in my hair

Flowers & Leaves in fall that gives the day colors of the rainbow

Rain that falls & cleanses my soul

Thunder & Lightening that causes my to pause & think

Snow which makes me smile, so soft & pretty

Human Love

The one I can laugh with about the simplest things

The one I can cry to when I'm feeling sad

The one I can complain to even when its something minor & dumb

The one I can call on to put a smile on my face & brighten my down when I'm down

The one who gives me my space when I'm mad but not for too long cause they'll make it better

The one who will wait on me hand & foot when I'm ill cause I would do the same

The one who comforts me in my time of need

The one that accepts me for who I am yesterday, today, & forever


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Get To Know Some1

People are so caught up with how people look these days. Ladies, we have to have

big asses, small waists, nice face, nice hair, nice breasts. Men have to have 6

packs, dreads, fresh cut, tall, cute, fine, oh & another thing, they gotta have

money right?

What happened to getting to know the person from the inside out? Of course you

have to be somewhat attracted to them but why not try stepping out of your

comfort zone. Why not try talking to someone as if you're blind. Get to know

their heart, personality. Forget what they look like. This is what my grandma

always told me "You may get a pretty man but he will treat you like dirt & leave

you crying. But you get a man that doesn't look as good as the pretty 1 and he

will treat you like a queen."

Whoever I talked to (past, present, future) I take that into consideration. Plus

I have seen many friends get hurt because they go with the guy because of his

looks or what he has. Me personally, I don't care if you work at burger king,

you're a lawyer, hit man, whatever. Long as you handle yourself. I'm not

impressed with your money cause last time I checked, I can make my own. I don't

care what kind of car you drive because I have my own, 2 matter fact, ('00 Yukon

& 88 Chevy Caprice). What I do care about is how you carry yourself, are you

confident in yourself. What do you like, what do you want in life, where do you

see yourself in 5-10yrs, how do you treat your mother & kids if you have any.

People need to get back to the basics & stop worrying about trying to fuck 1st.

Keep on doing that & you gonna have to deal with this 1 night stand for the rest

of your if they're pregnant. I'm just saying get to know the person you talking

to before you move on to the next step. Start doing what your parents,

grandparents did, take your time with the one you're with. I promise it'll work

better that way. Also, quit breaking up because of something they did. Learn to

forgive. If they lied about what they spent money on, work it out. Just work on each other. NO ONE is perfect that's why Jesus died for our sins. Life

is too short to keep doing what you're doing if you're not doing it right.


I'm out

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

OK, y'all, this is NOT a blog, I just wanna see if I have 2 texts thats about the same thing, will it go under 1 post or 2, so bare with me lol.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Taking Someone's Man/Woman

"Oooo girl, did y'all here about So&So taking This&This man?"
"No girl, when?"......
I'm sooo tired of hearing this from these "simple minded unstable creatures that give us good

women a bad name" chicks. Let me give y'all some knowledge for a min OK. 1st you can't take

someone else man. I mean sure, you can TAKE him as in, tying him up, putting him in your

trunk, & riding off into the sunset. But y'all know that I'm NOT talking about THAT kind of take.

I mean when your man is seeing this chick on the side & then 1 day he leaves you & the next he's

with So&So. Let me tell you this. So&So did NOT take your man. He left you on his own. He

found something in her that he didn't have in you, he was tired of your bs, etc. Whatever the

reason he left you, YOU need to find out. Don't go around saying, "I can't stand that bitch she

took my man." or "If So&So wasn't a hoe, we would still be together." How you know? He could

have been on the brink of leaving you anyway & So&So was just an excuse he found to make that

move to leave. Fellas, same goes for you. I just used the females as an example cause that's

what you hear of most times. But a man can NOT take your lady from you. He may tempt her

with something you lack, but granted, she LEFT on her OWN. Everyone just remember that.

And stop fighting the man/woman who took your woman/man don't blame them, blame the one

who you were with. That's all for now.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Pu$$y-My Prerogative.... By Mary B. Morrison

My pu$$y
My prerogative

The last time I'd checked
My pu$$y was attached to me
Not some wanna be lover
Claiming my pu$$y
Was his pu$$y
And reciting the same line
To the other
Pu$$y in his face
After I cum
He's gone without a trace

You see this pu$$y
That's between my legs
Is attached to a head
With brains
That can drive a man insane

My pu$$y
My prerogative
To give
Or to keep
To remain celibate
To sale a bit
Or to creep
Or to freak

To snap
Or to rap
Around a man's head
In and out of bed

My pu$$y is
My prerogative

Wanna taste
Wanna slide into first base
Second? Seconds?
Third? Thirds?
My pu$$y has the first and final words
On whether your d¡ch is worthy
If your d¡ck is dirty
Your pockets are dry
You're a selfish lover
Your back hurts
You cum before my pu$$y gets wet
You leave right after your cum is dry
Don't ask me why
I refuse to let you fuck me
Just take your d¡ck
And let my pu$$y be
Free to choose
The right stroke
The right man
The right lover
The right d¡ck

For as long as I live
It's my clit
My pearl
My pu$$y
My world
My prerogative

Cum correct
Or don't cum at all!

Something My Friend & I Talked About

Question: How do you know when you've found 'The One'?

Answer: When you say yes to the vows- For better or worse, For richer or poorer, In sickness or health, Til death do you part.

If you can deal with someone when they are at the lowest point in their life and you try your best to lift them up and help them.
When they just got laid off and you won't think twice about paying a bill or giving them money.
When they have a sickness that's gonna take time to get better and you are there to hold their hand, do for them and not care.

Think about all of that and think about the person you're with. If you would and could do that without hesitation and you know they would do the same for you... That is 'The One'!

Life is too short to waste on people that will bring you down and try to use you. Find love while you can and be happy, don't stress the small stuff, & laugh til you bust a gut

Live, Learn, Love, Laugh

Heard This On The Radio: Sad But True

Why do black women hate on other black women so much?

I mean when a black woman does something good, owns something good, or has something good another black woman has got to hate on her in some way form or fashion.

I don't know if this is true about all races but its true with black women. For example I got my hair done and everyone was saying how cute it was even strangers were asking for the stylist #. Now this 1 person (who happens to be very close to me) had nothing to say at all. The reason? (that I found out at a later time) My hair looked better than hers and she was mad that she didn't find that stylist 1st. Wtf?

Its sad. Why cant you be happy for that person and try to strive to be like that person (or better depends on what you want). So many times I have listened to women "you know she didn't buy that" "ain't no way i would do that" "she should be ashamed..."

I admit that I have talked about other females BUT its never about their success or relationships. That's their biz. Now I give props all the time if I see something they have that I find is cute (hair, jewelry, bags, clothes, shoes, etc.)

I'm just saying, why we gotta hate on each other?

45 Lessons In Life

Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland ,Ohio

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. . ."

My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past, so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere...

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come.

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

Mary J. Blige-In The Morning (love it)

Baby when this all began
We said that love would never end
Some time has passed
We settled in
And know the shadow of darkness is hooverin'
Tell me what happened?
You started changing up and you and me are actin' so different
I know that I love you.
And your in love with me, that's what you say, but I just can't believe it.
Yeah we disagree, fuss and fight, we get it wrong more then it's right.
Yeah we make mistakes, and fix mistakes but never even seeing eye to eye
But when the dust clears its settled, and its all said and done.
When the night breaks and day finally comes....

Will you love me in the mornin'? (mornin' mornin' )
After the evening will you need me?
Will you love me in the mornin'? (mornin' mornin' )
Now that the suns up will you give up?

I agree it's different.
What once was, just ain't the same.
But... weren't you expecting this?
See when it's true love there will be some bitterness
Now you so distant.
I know I'm not the woman that I was but you're not the man you were... ohh
But if you say you love me when you standing up and still in love
It shouldn't even shake your world

Yeah we disagree, fuss and fight, we get it wrong more then its right.
Yeah we make mistakes, and fix mistakes but never even seeing eye to eye

But when the dust clears it's settled, and it's all said and done.
When the night breaks and day finally comes....

Will you love me in the mornin'? (mornin' mornin' )
After the evening will you need me?
Will you love me in the mornin'? (mornin' mornin' )
Now that the suns up will you give up?

I know things ain't the way you supposed to be it's OK.
We'll get through this (baby, it's worth it)
Sometimes we have doubts and love just ain't perfect
So don't let go... just...

Love me in the mornin'? (mornin' mornin' )
After the evening will you need me?
Will you love me in the mornin'? (mornin' mornin' )
Now that the suns up will you give up?

Will you love me in the morning? (hey hey hey)
Now that the suns up... will you give up? (hey hey hey)

After the evening will you need me? me in the morning...

Don't give up on me... just love me...

Crazy Valentine's (wrote this on Feb. 11)

Why do so many females get mad when Valentine's Day come around & their boyfriend, husband, or whoever, doesn't do or give them anything? My thing is, why should it take this 1 day out the year for him to do something? Like if he makes you breakfast in bed, cook a nice dinner for you or take you to a nice restaurant just that day, he shouldn't even do it. Why? Because I feel he's only doing it because everybody else is doing it. He should treat you special year round not just 1 day. So for the females who think they deserve something special on Valentine's really need to take a look at themselves & ask why aren't they being treated like the queen that they are 365 days of the year. That's just how I feel.


So I'm watching Maury right now & I swear sometimes I don't even know why I watch the paternity episodes. These females get on my nerves saying the man us the ONLY 1 they been with then the results "You Are NOT The Father". Then she runs offstage crying & say "OK there is 1 other man I slept with." Umm you just said he was the ONLY. why come on & lie? Also the males that come on & talk about the baby ugly & don't look like him & its light skinned when he's dark or its blonde when he's a red head. Where in any baby book or when has any gyno said that "the baby has to look like the father or it isn't his"? NOWHERE. They also get on my nerves screaming at the top of their lungs at each other. Look just say "I'm not here to argue I'm just here to prove he is the father or its a possibility he might be the father so can we get the results." This episode I'm watching now, Maury just stood there stopping his ears up. A shame. Well that is all just wanted to share what was on my mind. :)

Oh & to the females who tested 10 men & still don't know who the father is....Save yourself & your family (especially the child) the embarrassment & don't come back again. You are a whore & that's sad that you slept with that many men in the time span of which you conceived. Seek a therapist not Maury

OK 1 more thing lol. I hate when these females come on here have a good man (that's what they say) and they cheat on them & don't know if their husband, fiancee, boyfriend is the father of the baby. Its said to see when the man isn't the father & he has taken care of this child & he just breaks down. Then she gets mad when he say he don't wanna be with her. Child please, I don't blame him.

Good Women

This is for men & women, I would like feedback from both. The question is.... What drives a GOOD woman to cheat??? Please explain your answer to the best of your abilities. Thank You :)

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 15 (short story)

I went to the office got all the paper work done, called in an order to my favorite restaurant cause I was too tired to cook. I left the office, stopped by to pick up my food, and headed home. When I stepped in the house, I turned off my alarm then turned it back on and I noticed I had a message on my machine. Who called my house? I set my food down in the kitchen then I check my cell for missed calls. No missed calls. No one calls my house unless they can't reach me on my cell or the office so who could it be. I push play as I get a plate and wine glass out of the cabinet for my Nuvo in the fridge. "Ay Ms. Kaiya, this Tre." I almost drop my glass. How did he get my house number? Duh girl you gave him your card. But what does he want? "I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me after The Boss gets everything straight. I mean if you got a man or whatever I understand. But I was really feeling you from the short amount of time we spent together today. Hit me back at 555-0923 or just let me know tomorrow."

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 14 (short story)

"Oh, I'm sorry, you must be The Boss." I start walking towards him to shake his hand, all the while taking in his appearance. He's about 6'4, fresh cut, smooth brown skin, and I could see the imprints of his dimples without him even smiling. He's dressed in a black Sean John button down, black True Religion Jeans and black Prada sneakers on. He smiles showing off those dimples, takes my hand and kisses it and says, "No problem Ms. Lady, but I'm not The Boss, I work for him. He had an emergency but didn't want to cancel at the last minute so, he sent me. I'm Tremaine but you can call me Tre." His voice was so smooth that it made me want to melt and I was caught up in his bright brown eyes until he said, "Um Kaiya, is it? Uh can we take a tour of the house? I got somewhere to be in two hours." I snap out of it. "Yea. We can start on this floor since we're already here." I show him all 10 bedrooms, 15 baths, the movie theatre, bowling alley, mini casino, gourmet kitchen, dining room, living room, 10 car garage, the indoor and outdoor pool, basketball court, pier to the lake, the boat house and a few other rooms. After 45mins of touring, it comes to an end. I hand Tre my card as I'm locking up. He walks me to my car. "The Boss is gonna love this crib yo. When can he sign the papers?" "He can come by the office tomorrow, just call ahead of time." We say our goodbyes and head our separate ways.

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 13 (short story)

I got into my new E Class Benz that I bought for myself just because. I turn it on and T.I.'s Urban Legend is coming through the speakers and I'm in my zone already. I let down the windows and enjoy the summer air since it wasn't too hot that day. An hour later I'm pulling up to the winding driveway of the mansion and stop and stare in awe. I wonder if I would like to stay in something this big one day. I'm never home, I'm not married, no kids so, maybe later. I snap out of my trance and head to this castle. I get out of my car, grab my bag and walk up to the huge mahogany doors and stick the gold key and opens the door. Every time I step into this place I'm at a lost for words. I was so glad my client hasn't made it here yet so I can gather my thoughts and keep my composure. I walk around and make sure the place is clean. After I make sure everything is straight I walk back to the 2nd floor and stare out at the lake which is behind the house. I feel someone staring at me so I turned around...

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 12 (short story)

I was working for this office in North Carolina and was thrilled when I got a call from "The Boss" saying he saw my pic and info next to the place he wanted to look at, in a real estate magazine. So I immediately set up an appointment with him the next day. I was so excited, people in the office kept telling me, "Be careful." "You know he's the infamous The Boss." And so on and so on. Whatever, I wasn't trying to hear it. I grew up with the best of thugs, all four of my brothers are well known in the streets, but they all retired from that life when they hit age 30 1 by 1. So, what is there to fear? I can handle my own. Anyways, the next day was so nice outside and I was ready to meet the boss. I combed my long brown hair into a neat bun that sat at the nape of my neck, I wore a blue Michael Kors dress, with the matching heels and hat, and oversized Chanel shades. To top it off, I wore my pearl earrings, necklace, and braclet with a touch of lip gloss. I was never so happy to meet with a client before that day.

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 11 (short story)

I reach in the back seat and grab my purse that's already ready for this occasion. I make sure our passports are in there then push the button for the hidden garage to open. Now, I know you're probably wondering, what the hell? Well let me give you the short version of everything. Starting with my childhood...... I was the youngest of five kids, oh yea, and the only girl. I got whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Childhood was the best ever, my teenage years was even better. I graduated at the top of my class and got a scholarship to a HBCU. I majored in real estate. At 22 I graduated, and by my 23rd birthday I had sold eight houses which were in the millions. And that eighth house, well that's why I'm in the current situation I'm in right now. "The Boss" is what they called the man who wanted to purchase the 10 million dollar home... Excuse me, Mansion. This is what happened....

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 10 (short story)

Just as his finger slips in my wet spot, we hear a gun shot close by & both of us tense up. Then another that hits the floor next to the hot tub. We slowly get out & creep back to the house & he grabs his gun which is hidden on a shelf behind the door. He walks in front of me as we move swiftly up the stairs back to my room. I put my sweats boots & tee back on & grabs a hoodie then goes into the bathroom to a built in compartment & grab my .9. We know who's out there trying to catch us slipping, but we didn't think they would do it so fast. We give each other signals with our eyes as I go to a hidden window that you can't see from the outside of the house. I give him a signal that there's 5 out there that I can see. He goes into the closet up a small hidden ladder to a secret room. Soon as he gets up there he takes them out 1 by 1 until they're all laid out but we know there's more. He comes back down & tosses me a bag to pack some things in. I throw some clothes shoes & money in the bag, puts my cell in my pocket & grab my spare keys out the dresser. He puts the bag over his shoulder & leads the way out of the room. We scale the wall until we're in the computer room & slides into the closet & locks it. We then walk slowly down the stairs leading to a side garage disguised as the side of the house. I think to myself, "Damn how did they find the house. Did I lead them here? Did he on the way here? I really wanted to stay here." I open the trunk, pull out 2 bulletproof vests, I put on 1 & tosses him the other then hops in the passenger seat as he gets in the driver's. We look at each other as he starts the car he asks, "You know you my Bonnie, you ready to ride?" I smile a sinister smile, "Let's do it."

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 9 (short story)

I take off my robe, gown, and slippers and gets into the hot tub slowly and relaxing once I'm settled in. "oops. Almost forgot the blindfold." I put the blindfold on and rest my head back. I almost doze off until I feel something graze across my lips. I jump and open my eyes. Damn the blindfold girl. I start to pull the blindfold up and he hits my hand away and say, "Just open your mouth babe." He rubs something over my mouth and I part my lips as he slips something in between them. Hmmm. "Now bite down. Slowly." I bite down slowly on the biggest juiciest strawberry ever! Next I feel him licking my lips then sucking on the bottom 1. I feel him get in the hot tub next to me. Next he's pulling me on top of him, I feel him putting another strawberry in my mouth, while his other hand is finding its way between my thighs.

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 8 (short story)

As I'm walking down the stairs, I feel a cold breeze coming from the patio.
"I know he didn't leave through the patio and leave the door open I'ma kick
his..." I stop in my tracks as I see a big arrow of rose petals pointing to the
patio. I walk to the living room, sit my glass down, then walk out to the
patio. I see candles and rose petals around the hot tub and some Nuvo on ice. Ok
where is he at, as I walk over to the table beside the hot tub, I see an
envelope with my name on it. Hmm what is this, I open it, its a poem expressing
to me how he feels and at the bottom is instructing me to get in the hot tub and
put a blindfold on. I mumbled and laugh under my breath, "this is sweet but how
long was he gonna wait til I came out here, what if I didn't."

Cold Winter's Night Pt. 7 (short story)

I nibble on his ear while he's palming my ass while I surprise him by biting his neck and sucking on it like a vampire. He flips me over and starts kissing my neck working his way down to my chest and stops. I look at him like 'what the hell'. He goes downstairs leaving me laying here mad. 10 minutes go by and I'm
still waiting. "man fuck this I could have got myself off waiting on his ass." I get up, put my robe and bedroom shoes on, grabs my glass I had my Nuvo in and head downstairs.