Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Something My Friend & I Talked About

Question: How do you know when you've found 'The One'?

Answer: When you say yes to the vows- For better or worse, For richer or poorer, In sickness or health, Til death do you part.

If you can deal with someone when they are at the lowest point in their life and you try your best to lift them up and help them.
When they just got laid off and you won't think twice about paying a bill or giving them money.
When they have a sickness that's gonna take time to get better and you are there to hold their hand, do for them and not care.

Think about all of that and think about the person you're with. If you would and could do that without hesitation and you know they would do the same for you... That is 'The One'!

Life is too short to waste on people that will bring you down and try to use you. Find love while you can and be happy, don't stress the small stuff, & laugh til you bust a gut

Live, Learn, Love, Laugh

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