Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So I'm watching Maury right now & I swear sometimes I don't even know why I watch the paternity episodes. These females get on my nerves saying the man us the ONLY 1 they been with then the results "You Are NOT The Father". Then she runs offstage crying & say "OK there is 1 other man I slept with." Umm you just said he was the ONLY. why come on & lie? Also the males that come on & talk about the baby ugly & don't look like him & its light skinned when he's dark or its blonde when he's a red head. Where in any baby book or when has any gyno said that "the baby has to look like the father or it isn't his"? NOWHERE. They also get on my nerves screaming at the top of their lungs at each other. Look just say "I'm not here to argue I'm just here to prove he is the father or its a possibility he might be the father so can we get the results." This episode I'm watching now, Maury just stood there stopping his ears up. A shame. Well that is all just wanted to share what was on my mind. :)

Oh & to the females who tested 10 men & still don't know who the father is....Save yourself & your family (especially the child) the embarrassment & don't come back again. You are a whore & that's sad that you slept with that many men in the time span of which you conceived. Seek a therapist not Maury

OK 1 more thing lol. I hate when these females come on here have a good man (that's what they say) and they cheat on them & don't know if their husband, fiancee, boyfriend is the father of the baby. Its said to see when the man isn't the father & he has taken care of this child & he just breaks down. Then she gets mad when he say he don't wanna be with her. Child please, I don't blame him.

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