Saturday, May 29, 2010


Nature's Love

The bright blue sky

Beautiful warm sun shining down on me

The gentle breeze that hits my face, plays in my hair

Flowers & Leaves in fall that gives the day colors of the rainbow

Rain that falls & cleanses my soul

Thunder & Lightening that causes my to pause & think

Snow which makes me smile, so soft & pretty

Human Love

The one I can laugh with about the simplest things

The one I can cry to when I'm feeling sad

The one I can complain to even when its something minor & dumb

The one I can call on to put a smile on my face & brighten my down when I'm down

The one who gives me my space when I'm mad but not for too long cause they'll make it better

The one who will wait on me hand & foot when I'm ill cause I would do the same

The one who comforts me in my time of need

The one that accepts me for who I am yesterday, today, & forever


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